What really matters?


I often ponder questions…. 🙂

What is of interest and relevant to most people, classically is to live in peace, love and harmony. Tapping into our divinity we can awaken to the supernal purpose of how all our past experienced have led to this moment.

Today many cultures are merging and collectively we are attracted to who and what is being shared on the platforms of our lives. It is like a yearning for crossing the abyss and going back to the garden of Eden. For in the end, there is no separation. We may think we are different but like the snowflake we are unique and the same.

What really matters? What is of interest and relevant to most people. Classically we all want to live in peace, love and harmony. No matter where we are, we can gain the wisdom to rightly direct our energy and power. In such a way we can continuously walk the path that directs our life’s work that we devote to higher purpose.

Acquiring the wisdom to direct the energy of our heart takes action (searching) and for most of us critically this involves face-to-face interactions; where we learn from each other. 

This Studio ~ the Peaceful Sanctuary @ In the Quiet was designed just for that. Everyone who comes and has been here moves forward from the experience to expand awakening. 

I am ever blessed and grateful. This is not just a commercial space, put a place to step into knowing the self and to move with the flowing essence into the great plan of ‘I Am’ 

May we all have the energy to press on with the Journey. 

Pranam ~ Blessings ~ Namaste