The idea of Transformation & Creating your Rhythm of Life toward Light… from the inside out is something we need to consider at this time.
Did you know, the soul loves to meditate? To naturally regenerate your energy throughout your day, try implementing time to do some Meditation; Yoga, Chi Gong – or any kind of spiritual energy practice, for 5-20 minutes.
How you prepare to get your day moving is how you set the rhythm of life, is your general foundation. Most of us rise up & begin with doing things like showering, coffee, filing our minds with news & emails.
But, when we examine & reflect on our usual daily habits, routines (rituals) we engage in we need to ask…. does this lifestyle effectively support your/my intuitive energy? Take on anything new too fast, (think crash diet / crash course) and as you may know, you will eventually fail.
Based on scientific fact, integrating any new patterns into your life, takes 66 days to create effective changes, with simple habits. Those expounding habits are formed within 21-days, I recently learned, is actually myth.
Having an interested in transformation & engaging in such a complex change takes motivation, commitment & a whole lot of discipline. Only then do we see results, and I’ve learned… it does takes time & passion to align for success.
Mostly we would rather resist change & stay in our ‘comfort zones’. However, instead of sabotaging your well-intended efforts realize that it takes patience, (like raising a child) to arrive at a state of alignment. Know that it takes daily practice & conscious transformational processes, driven by a clear mind.
Want to change your game of life?
Need a personal transformation?
Do you hear the call to wake up?
Are you sick & tired of feeling sick (mentally, spiritually & physically)?
What are you allowing to occupy your thoughts?
Can you take this ‘time’ (isolation) to personally become responsible to renew your health, so this pattern (isolation) doesn’t happen again?
Coming together & taking responsibility & stepping into your power (immunity) is what society must try to do to implement higher awareness to get us back into making new habits. Wouldn’t you agree?
Fact is, a quiet state of mind is the best state of mind, as it allows the higher mind to come through – beyond the ego with focused direction.
Meditation is so helpful at reprogramming our minds. It is the best way to have good mental health & to cultivate a calm mind .
Many people from all walks of life have come to me to learn to train their busy mind chatter, at In the Quiet. Few have the patience to sit & commit & try long enough to experience it. Some say; “oh I’ve tried Meditation or Yoga & it doesn’t work”. When I ask how long have they tried, most say a couple of sessions….
There are a lot of faulty programs & false beliefs out there right now. We need to weed through these (half-truths) to shift this mindset inside out. Connect with the truth, experience wellness & be ready to wake up & hear the call.
Right now, the Rev-Olution that is on – is on the Spiritual Plane. The time is ripe, as we are moving out of the mental, from the physical plane. Realize, that we are still infants in the grand Cosmic Evolution of Spirit & there will be growing pains.
Materializing from the physical takes effort & the pollution from the mental is not helping us progress forward. The time & energy we _choose_ to focus on will expand, now is good!
Are you ready to ‘clean up’ the emotional baggage & take the call toward a Spiritually Leap? How then? Part the clouds, lift the veil & find the stillness (meditate) within. Get clear by cleaning your windows (psychologically) & move toward the light by fluffing off the illusions out there. We are Spirits of Transformation!
Om Shanti – Peace