Back Care ~ 4 Energy

Most of us are goal oriented people – always envisioning the future. In tonights practice we will bring awareness into our backs in order to receive and reflect, being in the present.

The spine is our central channel for energy, and the secret to meditation is keeping it nurtured, strong and clear. Because the core of your being is your spine, the health of your back is the key to your wellbeing and vitality.

All yoga postures were developed to open and support these channels and keep it supported. Needless to say, like myself, millions of people turn to yoga for self-care of their back today.

Today we will focus on back care, whether yours is tired and sore or your just needing to maintain its suppleness and be pain free.

We open with gentle care somatic movements against the wall. With yoga chairs, we will practice hip openers, and standing postures. On the floor, we will engage in abdominal and back strengthening sequences, then end with a rejuvenating guided relaxation.

R.S.V.P. @ ~ In The Quiet. or Message on FB

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