Synchronicity and creating awareness.
The Mirriam Webster dictionary defines synchronicity as:
“the coincidental occurrence of events and especially psychic events (such as similar thoughts in widely separated persons or a mental image of an unexpected event before it happens) that seem related but are not explained by conventional mechanisms of causality —used especially in the psychology of C. G. Jung
Synchronicity, however to me is likened to the Shakti energy, mysterious! Because the mindset we transmit out, like a boomerang returns to us. Sometimes with surprisingly meaningful and deemed coincidental results pop up. This sensory perception we humans are all wired with and therefore we are interconnected. True or false?
Some teach, that as humans we are split between two worlds: The 1st; the world of space & time, cause & effect, energy & matter; 2nd is the world of history & the future, stories & meanings, memories & hopes.
The 1st can be described as measurable and sometimes predictable – a way to analyze our deep past, in addition a view into the projected future.
The second is like a woven tapestry like threads of experiences mapping out a masterpiece What events and influences we relate to most , we often allow to become our ‘story’.
Luck may not have a thing to do with synchronicity because luck is simply a force of good, like good opportunities, good encounters, circumstances or events.
Mindfulness practices, like meditation help us to sharpen our focus and be aware of the ‘coincidences’ All it takes is time In The Quiet and just observe our thoughts being present as thoughts float while meditating.
Having an inner meditation ‘practice’ assists us to resolve, dissolve and allow us to be & receiving. Being is a feature of the brain to release, let go and get into the Gap – that space between our thoughts. Similarly, we can tune in to the radar for clarity from the cosmic mind.
In this way, looking for synchronicity we should emit positive thoughts so our life story merges and unfolds with positive purpose. Why not ‘tune-in’ to stillness & discover what the world is offering for the betterment of mankind, for example? Becoming aware and paying attention, with effortless ease, our inner eyes & ears can calibrate to the global dharma, even amid the chaos of life.
Positive and negative events happen all the time, agreed? No one is immune & ‘luck’ is simply a phenomenon. The best way to create your own ‘luck’? Be present, remain awake & aware. Know Yourself & let the synchronization take affect in your meditation practice. Will you join me someday? 🙂